The sequel of Shooting Kageki Gothic wa Mahou Otome, the theater adaptation of the video game "Gothic wa Mahou Otome" will be performed from March 3 to 7, 2021 at the Rikko kai in Tokyo. The main poster of "Shooting Kageki Gothic wa Mahou Otome - 5 akuma shurai" and some individual photos had been published.
Main poster of 2nd Gothic wa Mahou Otome stage play published
Chisato Akita : Ranun
Natsumi Hashiba : Cattleya
Maru Riona : Souffle
Mayumi Shiraishi : Plumeria
Minami Sengoku : Rosalie
Sena : Digitalis
Hiyori Hanasaki : Luccica
Sarah Emi Bridcutt : Lily
Mariko Honjo : Kalmia
Misaki Nishimura : Datura
Arisa Mihama : Windea
Yu Chitose : Shonen
Source : Official Twitter 1 & 2
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